So far so good captain :) let's take a break and refill your coffe :) Before the start this task it is better to take a look at pattern matching via the match keyword and Enums in Rust if you don't know
Now, let's create an instruction which pass the parameters Vote context and vote_type
vote(ctx: Context<Vote>, vote_type: VoteType)
Hmm we have VoteType which is actually enum
#[derive(AnchorSerialize, AnchorDeserialize)]
pub enum VoteType {
VoteType enum is annotated with AnchorSerialize and AnchorDeserialize, indicating that it can be serialized and deserialized using the Anchor framework captain. This means that instances of the VoteType enum can be converted into a binary format that can be stored on the Solana blockchain and then later retrieved from the blockchain and converted back into an instance of the VoteType enum. Then copy and paste it bottom of your code.